Helping Children Realise Their Potential

What we do

The Children’s Educational Trust (“CET”) was established in 2010. We started out with a sole aim to assist schools and communities in enabling all school children, regardless of socio-economic status, to have access to appropriate Information Technology to enable them to develop the necessary skills within educational establishments and realise their potential through e-learning.

Sponsorship Success

Since that time, the scope of the Trust has evolved significantly and with an ever increasing focus being placed on children’s health and well-being, we have become actively involved in approving sponsorships for outdoor recreation grounds, play areas and sports facilities, all of which prove to have a dramatic and positive impact on learning motivations.

Through the continued and generous support of our sponsors, we are now able to assist schools and communities far beyond technology equipment.

International Reach

Most recently, The Children’s Educational Trust has now expanded its reach overseas and through the provision of reconditioned Computer Hardware is currently assisting in delivering much needed e-learning platforms into schools in Kenya, Africa

The Children’s Educational Trust

2nd Floor, Park Gates
Bury New Road
M25 0TL

Charity Registration No. 1137444
Company Registration No. 7448135